ADOPT THAT MONSTER Podcast Artwork Image


Julia Domnisan

Welcome to the ADOPT THAT MONSTER Podcast, your indispensable guide to mastering the challenges of RECALL and REACTIVITY in adopted dogs! 

I'm Julia, your host and seasoned canine behavior enthusiast, & always joining me is Kona—my adopted muse & mentor from a Romanian shelter who fuels every insightful lesson we share. We're here to elevate your dog adoption journey from a one-time event to a fulfilling lifelong relationship. 

Dive into a treasure trove of actionable tips and research & practice backed techniques that transform you into a dog whisperer and your adopted pup into a forever companion. 

Each episode is carefully curated to arm you with the practical know-how to master recall and manage reactivity, turning challenging situations into opportunities for deep emotional connection. Stick with us and unlock an unimaginable level of love and companionship with your canine friend. 

Tune in now & take the first step into truly connecting with that lovable monster of yours!
